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Tag Archives: doshas

Achieve a Healthy Weight According to your Dosha

Achieve a Healthy Weight According to your Dosha

According to Ayurvedic theory, each individual is born with varying combinations of the doshas (refer to intro to doshas), so every individual’s body size/type is different. Based on predominating doshas, some people are thin-framed and leaner,...
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Ayurvedic Recipes for Winter

Ayurvedic Recipes for Winter

Ayurveda has a distinct way of classifying the seasons based on the doshas. The seasons are categorized where the doshas are most prominent according to the environment.
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In Sanskrit, Dina means day, sun, or flow, and Charya means practice, perform, or conduct. Dinacharya translates to daily practice and Ayurveda is a natural and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Incorporating Ayurveda in daily life...
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Introduction to the Doshas

Introduction to the Doshas

Have you ever wondered why a treatment worked so well for a friend, but did nothing for you? Why some herbs or medications alleviate symptoms for some people, but not for others? Why particular lifestyle changes can be a miracle in certain cases,...
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