Author: Meera Patel, Ayurveda Practitioner 

Ayurveda provides us with three beautiful words to help articulate a series of processes that occur in our internal and external environments: 
Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.


Vata is the energetic force of momentum. It gives momentum to all the processes in our environment as well as in our body. In a healthy state, we experience vata helping us to digest our food, to distribute the nutrients to where they are needed, and to excrete that which is harmful. In an imbalanced state of vata, we experience constipation, gas, and lethargy. In order to keep vata balanced in our body, it is best to adapt our lifestyle to the circadian rhythm. That is, wake up and wind down along with the sun, grain-free fast on the new moon, eat seasonal fruit/veggies, and be sure not to procrastinate. Afterall, delaying only pushes out processes with a tendency to create a backlog, inevitably causing overwhelm and stress. This can of course cause havoc on our system and in turn also affect our environment in the form of relationships. Thus, we can see how important it is to uphold nature’s momentum and be in harmony with it. 

Pitta is the energetic force of ubiquity. It gives ubiquitousness to all the processes in our environment as well as in our body. In a healthy state, we experience pitta helping us to functionally utilize our food, to efficiently use our energy, and to restore systemic processes. In an imbalanced state of pitta, we experience regurgitation, irritability, and inflammation. In order to keep pitta balanced in our body, it is best to adapt our lifestyle towards discipline. That is, not overeating, not overcommitting, and being able to take a moment for ourselves to introspect. Afterall, there is no progress in the lack of discipline. Thus, it is ubiquity which governs our internal and external reactions. 


Kapha is the energetic force of stamina. It gives stamina to all the processes in our environment as well as in our body. In a healthy state, we experience kapha helping us to withstand fluctuations in temperature, in elevation, and in temperament. In an imbalanced state of kapha, we experience fatigue, confusion, and indecisiveness. In order to keep kapha balanced in our body, it is best to adapt a lifestyle that embraces challenges. That is, to flip challenges to be opportunities. Afterall, the journey of life is interlaced with change. Thus, it is stamina which provides us with resiliency. 


Health is a mastery of these three energetic forces which are all around and within us…which means health is in our hands.