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About Ayurveda
Baked Apples
Indulge in our Ayurveda-inspired Baked Apples, a comforting treat that supports digestion, balances Vata & Pitta doshas
Taking the Complex Out of Complexion
Our face is a gateway to understanding the state of our mind and body.
Explained: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Ayurveda provides us with three beautiful words to help articulate a series of processes that occur in our internal and external environments: Vata,...
Three Gunas of Nature
In Ayurveda, there are three essential aspects of nature that are present in all beings in the world. The three traits are rajas, tamas,...
Rejuvenating Sleep
In Ayurveda, all sleep isn’t created equally. Ever notice how some people can sleep 10+ hours and still feel tired, while some can thrive on 7...
Top Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations for the Spring season!
In Ayurveda, it is no secret that seasons affect our metabolism. What we see in the outside environment gives us a clue as to what is happening...
Achieve a Healthy Weight According to your Dosha
According to Ayurvedic theory, each individual is born with varying combinations of the doshas (refer to intro to doshas), so every individual’s...
Ayurvedic Recipes for Winter
Ayurveda has a distinct way of classifying the seasons based on the doshas. The seasons are categorized where the doshas are most prominent...
Supporting the Immune System through Ancient Wisdom
As the winter continues and the weather becomes even colder, you may find yourself face to face with the common cold or flu. You may experience some...
In Sanskrit, Dina means day, sun, or flow, and Charya means practice, perform, or conduct. Dinacharya translates to daily practice and Ayurveda is a...
Ayurvedic Recipes for Fall
Ayurveda has a distinct way of classifying the seasons based on the doshas. The seasons are categorized where the doshas are most prominent...
Introduction to the Doshas
Have you ever wondered why a treatment worked so well for a friend, but did nothing for you? Why some herbs or medications alleviate symptoms for...
4 Common Mythconceptions about Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. It is based on the ideology that disease is due to an imbalance in...